My Blog List

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hi everybody!

So happy to create this blog for my online course "Webskills". I am looking forward exchanging ideas and learning from my coursemates!

I liked all the quotes the participants of this course shared so far! I want to add more quotes in my blog:

"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing" Socrates.

"By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher. Socrates

"If by strength is meant moral power, then woman is immeasurably man's superior" Mahatma Gandhi

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world" Mahatma Gandhi

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” Albert Einstein

Well, one more thing that I would like to share with you:
"What comes around goes around". I don't know who said this but I believe it is true!

Khuloud Asad Shbat.


  1. Hello Khuloud,
    nice to meet you online:-)
    This is a lovely collection of sayings that you have included in your first blog post. I especially like the one by Socrates because, in my opinion, it draws attention to the importance of life-long learning.
    All the best

  2. Hello Khuloud,

    Nice to meet you. I'm very happy to be on this on-line course with so many teachers from all over the world. It's really a great opportunity for us to develop our professional skills, Web skills in particular, and get to know a lot about other people's cultures.

    Thank you for the quotations, I like them all.

    All the Best


  3. HI, Khouloud

    Good quotes! I like the last one best.

    See you online


  4. Khouloud,

    As I can see you are fond of sayings and well-known quotations .But we have to make hay while the sun shines and reflect on what we have learned this first week of this e-course .

    For example I have found out proudly that I am part of a worldwide community of teachers willing to improve themselves in order to be able to capture their students' attention to a greater extent .

  5. Thanks Arjana, Bella, Liliya and Cami for all your comments.

    Cami, you are right I know I have to reflect on our first week but I am still learning and visiting other people's blogs... so I will do it when I feel I am ready to write my reflections... I am so overwhelmed by the participants' blogs!


  6. Hey, Khuloud. Nice to meet you "online".
    Take your time. At first we have know idea of what to write. Then, the ideas come.
    See you,
